Substance Abuse: Addressing Risk Factors


Substance abuse or addiction is classified as a mental illness because it can cause changes in the brain in fundamental ways, notably impacting the hierarchy of needs and substituting their priorities. Knowing the risk factors for substance abuse can help reduce the risk of addiction. Here are some common risk factors for substance abuse and what you can do about them:

  • Past Trauma or Abuse

    Individuals who have experienced trauma or abuse in the past are more likely to develop addictive behavior. They tend to use substances to cope with stress or anxiety associated with their trauma or abuse. Psychiatric services can help address issues associated with a traumatic past to promote quality of life and reduce the risk of addiction.

  • Peer Pressure

    Peer pressure is one of the most common gateways to drugs for many teenagers and even adults. Address peer pressure by surrounding yourself with positive influences or learning how to say no to your friends or loved ones. We offer behavioral health in Westminster, Maryland, to help address problematic behavior, addiction, and social pressures and difficulties.

  • Lack of Connectedness or Social Isolation

    Social isolation or a lack of connectedness can increase the risk of stress, anxiety, and depression, which can lead to substance abuse or addiction. Create meaningful connections by spending more time with family, joining clubs or recreational activities, and connecting with others with similar pastimes.

With the help of our compassionate clinicians, we specialize in providing management and treatment. We provide psychiatric in Maryland to help address substance abuse, depression, ADHD, and many more. With a team of experienced mental health clinicians, it seeks to promote the positive growth, development, and well-being of different individuals.

Hence, other services you could expect from us include therapeutic counseling, family/community support, medication management, and PTSD treatment in College Park, Maryland. For more information, you can call Nimel Mental Health LLC at 301-272-1558.


Blogs, content, and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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